Thursday, June 5, 2008


After doing a research project on them, I have decided to write one by myself as well, for those who don’t know; I am talking about blogs (so-called weblogs). Sometimes it gets really hard to elucidate simple things to people, you keep telling them this is what you mean but they are like ahan!! And ??

Blogs the so-called weblogs also falls in the same category, its really hard to tell people about them that what they are, what they do and why they have been created by so many bloggers.
Story time: Few months ago I had to visit a doctor, he is a kind of family doctor, as he saw me after long time so he asked where were you young man, seeing you after a long time. Not lying, I told him Sir I had been to Manchester for my studies and now I am suffering from diarrhea … that was such a move, I thought he will say “ohhh diarrhea “ but what he said was “that’s great”. What Sir? that I am suffering from diarrhea, he giggled. I know he was talking about my degree but I don’t spot a F****ing reason that how come it is great? Btw I am still trying to figure it out. Coming back to the story, the doctor tried to be intellect (what we call coolio: we will be described in some future blog, wait for it) and asked me so what was your research project and further added my niece also went to the same university this year (I thought the next thing he would say will be “and her phone number is +44 digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit digit” but he didnt). I never expected that diarrhea and explaining about weblogs to a non blognologist could happen on a very same day, it was a night mare with open eyes). Any ways I started explaining bla bla bla bla bla: when I finished doc said: hmmmmm if so many people are writing them and not so many people are reading them then what is the point of wasting so much paper? Sir, I am not suffering from word diarrhea, so can you please identify that when did I say that they print them as well? I kind of regret what I said after that, sir why do some people have to ask the questions just for the sake of asking question and to show that how coolio they are? He didn’t say a word but my words certainly killed the hope that he might give me the number of his niece in the end (not a good end).

Sometimes in this effort, I get really pissed too, when I am telling someone about the weblogs, how the hell that person is unable to understand, come on man its coming straight from the horse’s mouth. I am a horse (*whinnying*) I had spent 6 months and a lot yeah a lot of money doing research on a somehow useful branch of weblogs, yes exactly, “corporate weblogs” Microsoft and Sun Microsystems allowed me to extract the data from their corporate weblog sites, so I think I am a master of this domain
J the so-called master is going on-blogair with his first ever weblog. If you think this is a piece of recycled food (can I use the word shit in the weblogs ??) then with no doubt error is within you, because this is coming right from the horse's mouth (*whinnying*).

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